VitaVocal Health is based on the belief that all problems can be solved with nature. Driven by the lack of products available to cure ailments of the voice and throat, we have done extensive research to find an effective solution to these problems. After years of studying, observing, and experimenting, we have made the best products available to improve your quality of life.
The program is open not just to manufacturers of dietary supplements but also to manufacturers of ingredients and raw materials, as well as distribution, warehousing and packaging companies, who want to demonstrate their commitment to public safety.
MADE IN THE USA. We pride ourselves on the quality of our product. We want to make sure that every single aspect of VitaVocal Health supplements meet our guidelines and standards. US manufacturing processes are regulated more and have higher standards to keep up to than many other countries; many brands sold here are produced in countries using unregulated process and can even contain harmful ingredients. When you purchase American-made product, you know you are using a quality product. Foreign product safety standards are low. For example, poisonous levels of lead are in tens of millions of toys shipped to the USA. When you buy toys and other goods made in the USA, you can be confident that American consumer protection laws and safety standards are in place to protect your family.
FDA REGISTERED MANUFACTURING FACILITY. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or USFDA) is a federal agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, one of the United States federal executive departments.
The FDA was empowered by Congress to enforce the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act The FDA has responsibility for enforcing a broad range of statutory and regulatory requirements. The FDA regulates almost every facet of consumable products, including testing, manufacturing, labeling, advertising, marketing, efficacy, and safety. The FDA regulates most products with a set of published standards enforced by a number of facility inspections.